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The SEA Team

Barrie - Al, Cathy, Jennifer, Jenny, Laura, and Ruby

Bracebridge - Drew and Sue

Collingwood - Tim, Trish and Chelsea

Orillia - Don and Lisa

Monday, April 13, 2009

2008 SEA to SEA Promotional Fair & Tradeshow

Over 55 SEA clients attended the annual tradeshow at the Orillia Fairgrounds on Tuesday, October 28th, 2008 to support 24 SEA clients who were exhibitors as well as 24 special guests, alumni and media. Exhibitors held press conferences. Prizes were donated for the silent auction which raised $700 for United Way. Feedback from 'mystery shoppers' were summarized and given to the exhibitors.

Doug McKenzie, Shanty Bay Woodworks and SEA alumni, presented "My Trade Show Secrets".

Rachelle Reckzin, Euphoria Smoothies and SEA client, presented "Winning Promotional Strategies".

Cindy Massolin, Mountain Graphics and SEA client, presented "Branding & Promotional Success Factors".

Lunch was available on-site from Taste This! (SEA client)