When you are sick, at what point do you seek help from a doctor? If the ailment is mild, you handle it on your own. Only when the pain is great enough do you seek relief. For you to seek medical assistance there must be a significant difference between how you feel, and how you would like to feel. When this is the case, you are willing to accept the doctor’s solution.
It’s the same with selling. In order to sell successfully, there must be a sufficient gap between the prospect’s current situation, and their desired situation. If they don’t see the value in what you are offering, it will be very difficult for you to close the deal. There must be sufficient ‘pain’ for them to be motivated to spend their money. There must also be a clearly demonstrated difference that your solution will cause.
For example, let’s say your business is a commercial cleaning company. If their primary concern is saving time, you must demonstrate how using your service will give them “X” number of extra hours every week to do their productive activity. If their primary concern is how clean premises enhances their image, you need to help them see how all your extras can actually make a noticeable difference in how they are perceived by their visitors.
During your conversations with prospects, focus on how your solution is going to make their life better, or save them time, money, or hassle. Utilize your ‘Sales tool kit’ to paint a word picture that will cause them to envision themselves benefiting from doing business with you. Make sure that you demonstrate a wide enough ‘gap’ between the way things are for them and the way things will be after using your product or service!
Please feel free to contact me, or your BERN consultant; help is only a phone call or email away!
- Al