Anything that is left to serendipity (chance, fate, luck, fortune, coincidence) is not bound for success. If you've been reading these weekly tips on a regular basis, you have likely noticed that I often write about the importance of planning. You must have a plan, and work that plan. Simply stated, that's how you can sell more with less effort. When you are pressured and stressed, your presentation will require much more effort and mental energy. Even if you don't think so, it will come across as more desperate, which results in less sales.
Your plan should look this way:
- Write a description or profile of your ideal customer
- Make a list of all potential customers or groups of customers that fit the profile
- Divide the list into 3 categories: 'A' prospects are the ones that most closely fit your ideal profile and that have the best potential for generating profitable income. 'B' prospects may not fit the profile quite as closely but are still worthwhile doing business with. 'C' prospects are those who you would be happy to have as customers but perhaps may not be as profitable.
- Make up an outline of what you want to discuss with potential customers
- Block off specific time EACH WEEK for your sales activity
- Here's the most important step. Don't let anything else interfere with the time you have blocked off. Visit each prospect! Start with those in the 'C' category. When you are reasonably comfortable with how to craft your presentation (this should only take a couple of weeks), start visiting the 'B' and then the 'A' prospects.
- You don't have to be a computer whiz but keep accurate records of who you visited, what points of discussion are most effective, what to discuss upon follow up and when to call back.
In summary, use your time and other resources wisely. Have a plan for your sales efforts and execute that plan.